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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jeff Dow - Part 4


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Jeff Dow - Part 4
01.13.2017 | | 0 Comment

Jeff Dow is a man of many faces, pun intended. He is recognized nationally for his photography style, his humor, and of course his shiny bald head! So many people interact with Jeff daily and just love this guy! Who is the man behind the camera you ask? Enjoy this blog series of 10 things you might not know about Jeff Dow!


Jeff bought one of the very first models of Macintosh computers and has been on the cutting edge of technology ever since! Jeff Dow Photography prides itself on providing our clients with the best of the best! In the old days Jeff needed a studio full of lighting equipment to create the illusion of natural lighting. Now, many of those adjustments are made with the magic of Photoshop! Jeff used to develop his own film in a darkroom and amaze his clients with instant photos using polaroids on set. When shooting an ad for a resort entire beach scenes would have to be brought into the studio - sand, umbrella's, beach chairs, the works. Now Jeff brings his Cannon DSLR, drone, and video monitor on location to film video that is displayed seamlessly to the client and talent. Just imagine what is on the horizon for Jeff Dow Photography!


Over and over again people leave Jeff Dow Photography saying “that was just the best time!” and the reason: Jeff Dow. Each person is more than a short 10-point list, but hopefully you feel that you know Jeff a little better after reading this blog, check back next week for the latest!

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